Woodworking by Michael Havelin

T-Rex Puzzle

Mermaid Puzzle

Fish Puzzle

Veneered Box #11

Woodpile Box #1

Veneered Box #14

Ash Mallet

Oiling small boxes

Bat House

Reclaimed Oak & Woodpile Walnut
7x6x4 inches

Maple & Zebrawood

Mahogany Veneer Box w/ Maple Top

Reclaimed Oak

Rosewood Veneer

Madrone Burl Veneer Presentation Box
6.5x4.5x2 inches

Maple Burl & Walnut Veneers
8.5x5.25x3.5 inches

3 Veneers
6.75x4.5x3.25 inches

Sale Table at Harvest House, Asheville, North Carolina, Nov, 2008


A word about copyright.
All text, music and photos at this web site are copyrighted by Michael Havelin and may not be legally reproduced beyond your computer without prior permission. The text and photos are not in the public domain and are not freeware,shareware or any other ware. Please don't copy them to another computer, transmit, publish, reproduce, alter or use them as a basis for an illustration or another photographic interpretation. Doing so violates USA and international copyright laws. If you are interested in reproducing any photos appearing at this web site, just send Email to Michael Havelin or call (828) 712-5570. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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