Text & photos on studio
photography of reptiles. Reptiles, Dec 1994
Text & photos on poison
ivy. Florida Wildlife, July/Aug 1990
Panther head-shot. National
Wildlife, Jan/Feb 1990
Text & photos on the ospreys
of Boca Grande. Florida Wildlife, Nov/Dec 1991
Cover shot. Light &
Life, June 1991
Text & photos on photographing
captive reptiles & amphibians. The Vivarium, July/Aug 1993
A word about copyright.
All text, music and photos at this web site are copyrighted by Michael
Havelin and may not be legally reproduced beyond your computer without prior
permission. The text and photos are not in the public domain and are not freeware,shareware
or any other ware. Please don't copy them to another computer, transmit, publish,
reproduce, alter or use them as a basis for an illustration or another photographic
interpretation. Doing so violates USA and international copyright laws. If you
are interested in reproducing any photos appearing at this web site, just send
Email to Michael Havelin or call (828)
712-5570. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
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